To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995) is a heartwarming comedy that follows three drag queens - Vida Boheme (Patrick Swayze), Noxeema Jackson (Wesley Snipes), and Chi-Chi Rodriguez (John Leguizamo) - as they embark on a cross-country road trip from New York City to Hollywood. When their car breaks down in a small, conservative town, the queens bring color and life to the local community, teaching lessons about acceptance, self-expression, and the power of friendship.
100% of ticket proceeds will be donated to the Future Freedom Project Scholarship Fund, a vital initiative that supports local and international queer artists. The fund provides resources and opportunities to help artists create projects, events, and public art that foster acceptance and raise awareness of the queer community in Vienna and beyond. Every ticket purchase helps safeguard queer art and culture.
Hosted by Vienna Is Burning