Film & Discussion

Special screening on March 8 at 13:15 in cooperation with the The Marker followed by a panel dicussion.

Special screening on April 28 at 18:00 in cooperation with the Austrian Journalists Club (ÖJC) and buntesAT

Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles


Date Time Room Price
Großer Saal € 8.00 Tickets
Friedrich Moser
Zahra M. Aghajan, Christoph Koettl, Susan Benesch, Tim Tangherlini, Malachy Browne, Haley Willis
Plot Outline
Disinformation and conspiracy theories have reached a level unwitnessed since the turmoil of the 1930s. Feature documentary, "How To Build A Truth Engine", portrays a crack-team of investigators from the fields of technology, journalism, folklore and neuroscience who show that if you hack the information feed, you can hack somebody’s mind.
Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles


Date Time Room Price
Studio € 10.50 Tickets
Giulia Innocenzi, Pablo D'Ambrosi
Plot Outline
The film exposes the links between Agrifood and politics. With a pool of international experts it analyses the many problems related to factory farming: water pollution, migrants exploitation, biodiversity loss and antibiotic resistance.
Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Maria Lisa Pichler & Lukas Schöffel
Plot Outline
Maria, in her early 40s, commutes. After a few weeks in Romania, where she’s from, she has a long stay in Austria, where as a 24-hour-caregiver she lives with a senior citizen whom she takes care of. With empathetic objectivity, Maria Lisa Pichler and Lukas Schöffel portray the caregiver in a state of permanent conflict: between the desire to provide a livelihood for her family and the sacrifice she has to make to do so. It soon becomes clear that those who fill a gap in one place create a new one elsewhere.
Film & Discussion
Original English/German version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Maximilian Hecke
Plot Outline

It is the start of a journey that will profoundly impact not only the lives of the twenty doctors and midwives who have embarked upon it. Following days of challenging travel, Gynecologist Nadja Taumberger and her team dive straight into the daily operations of Holy Family Hospital in Ghana. Situated as a vital hub in a vast and often underserved region, the hospital serves as a beacon of hope for many.

Film & Discussion
Original German version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Anna Mühlberger & Moses Gsellmann
Dragan Providzalo, Kira Nagel, Saskia Nagel, Kristian Mitov
Plot Outline

Anna und Moses haben sich 2021 auf das Abenteuer ihres Lebens gemacht. Auf der Suche nach fesselnden Persönlichkeiten und deren Geschichten über Zufriedenheit sind sie mit ihrem Kleinbus „Olaf“ Richtung Osten durch insgesamt 14 Länder, bis nach Armenien gereist.

Alltägliche Herausforderungen wie die ständige Schlafplatzsuche, fordernde Wetterbedingungen und das Leben auf engstem Raum lassen sie nicht davon abbringen, dass sie mit einer wesentlichen Erkenntnis zurück nach Hause kommen: Grenzen setzt man sich nur selbst im Kopf.

Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Joana Adesuwa Reiterer
Plot Outline
A protest against police brutality ignites a debate around complex legacies that plague Nigeria and how to overcome them.
Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Pavo Marinkovic
Senad Bašic, Bruna Bebic, Andreas Kiendl, Birgit Stöger, Admir Glamocak, Zlatko Buric, Igor Kovac, Julia Franz Richter
Plot Outline

Faruk Sego, a failed Bosnian writer facing deportation from Austria, must prove that he has made a cultural contribution to Austrian society. His last chance is an off-theatre troupe that can stage a play he wrote as a young man. Faruk's reluctant return to the theatre will force him to realise what is truly important in life.

Special screening on April 9 at 18:00 in the presence of director Pavo Marinkovic.

Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Martina Chamrad
Plot Outline

Route 4 follows the sea rescue ship „Alan Kurdi“ and the NGO Sea-Eye for more than 15 months and witnessed five Missions as their media-team. In addition to these moving moments on the mediterranean, footage was also recorded in Niger, Tunis, Libya, Malta, Italy and France.

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion hosted by Sea-Eye e.V.


Film & Discussion
German dubbed version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Clara López Rubio, Juan Pancorbo
Baltasar Garzón, Julian Assange, Renata Avila, Sarah Harrison, Joseph Farrell
Plot Outline
Since he took on the case in 2012, defending Julian Assange has put judge Baltasar Garzón's talent and ability to the test. They've won a few battles, but nobody knows how the war will end.
Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Laura Poitras
Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, William Binney, Barack Obama, Jacob Appelbaum, Julian Assange, Jeremy Scahill, Kevin Bankston
Plot Outline
In June 2013, Laura Poitras and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with Edward Snowden. She brought her camera with her.
Film & Discussion
Original English version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Dustin Lose
Plot Outline

A gloomy filmic contribution to sea rescue and a concentrated revelation of the mechanisms of systematic flight prevention in the Mediterranean and the people responsible for it.

Entrance will be free. The film will be followed by a panel discussion hosted by Sea-Watch.

Film & Discussion
(no more shows planned at the moment)
Plot Outline

The Mutfluencer*innen project gives young people the opportunity to implement their own projects on the topic of Covid-19. With their ideas and projects, they create a space for exchange, discussion and are looking for solutions to the social consequences of the pandemic. On April 26 some Mutfluencer*innen will present their videos and short films. The screening is hosted by ABZ, Caritas & Teach4Austria.

Film & Discussion
Original German version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Vanessa Böttcher (on behalf of Südwind)
Plot Outline
Desperate about the inertia of politicians not acting on the climate crisis, the Austrian activist Sarah embarks on a spectacular train journey across Europe in search of people with real solutions. A documentary rail movie between crisis and hope.
Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Oksana Karpovych
Plot Outline

After André Levesque missionnaire, Oksana Karpovych is back at the RIDM with her first feature, which she filmed in her native country, Ukraine. To take the pulse of the country, the filmmaker adopts one of documentary cinema’s most prolific sub-genres: the train film.

Film & Discussion
Original English version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Arash T. Riahi, Arman T. Riahi
Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno, Srdja Popovic, Inna Shevchenko
Plot Outline
Everyday Rebellion is a tribute to the creativity of the nonviolent resistance. The project studies the consequences of a modern and rapidly changing society where new forms of protest to challenge the power of dictatorships and sometimes also global corporations are invented everyday. Everyday Rebellion wants to give voice to all those who decide not to use violence to try changing a violent system. Because, as Ghandi said: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Film & Discussion
Original English version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Elisabeth Pointner & Martin Lintner
Plot Outline

On the night of September 9, 2020, the Mória refugee camp on the Greek island Lesvos bursts into flames. Amidst the dramatic events before and after this disaster, a friendship develops between a young refugee from Afghanistan and a volunteer helper from Austria.

Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Arash T. Riahi
Rosa Zant, Leopold Pallua, Anna Fenderl, Viktor Krüger, Christine Ostermayer
Plot Outline

Chechen refugee children, Oskar (8) and Lilli (13), who have been living in Austria for six years, are about to be deported along with their mother. However, her sudden attempted suicide results not only in the short-term suspension of their deportation but also in the forced separation of the family. The children’s hope that they will be reunited with their mother is nourished by their love for each other and challenges all bureaucratic obstacles with passion and poetry. A bittersweet odyssey about the many ways of perceiving the world around you in order to survive.

Film & Discussion
Original English version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Christoph Pehofer
Plot Outline

The world seems to separate people more than connecting them. A private couch shows a place of approach and strangers becoming friends.

Special screening on February 20 at 20:30 in the presence of director Christoph Pehofer

Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Justin Pemberton
Faiza Shaheen, Gillian Tett, Joseph Stiglitz
Plot Outline

Film adaptation of French economist Thomas Piketty's ground-breaking global bestseller of the same name: an eye-opening journey through wealth and power.

Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Peter Luisi
Esther Gemsch, Karim Rahoma, Komi Mizrajim Togbonou, Klaus Wildbolz, Newroz Baz
Plot Outline
In order to win the respect of her friends and family, divorced housewife Sabine decides to perform Wilhelm Tell with a group of Asylum seekers in the Swiss mountains.
Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Paul Rosdy
Anna Nitsch-Fitz, Gerhard Gruber, Stefan Nehez
Plot Outline

VIENNA’S CINEMAS is a journey through Vienna’s movie theaters from 1896 to today. Told through the stories of movie theater owners, projectionists and technicians, audience members, an historian, and countless documents in film, photo and text, the film is a history of Vienna’s cinemas – from the first cinema on Kärntner Straße to the multiplex world of today.

Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Kat Rohrer, Gil Levanon
Plot Outline

A documentary that looks at the problems for young modern Israelis returning to the Germanic countries of central Europe, and in particular how this impacts upon older generations of their families, who had to leave countries like Austria and Germany. Central to the film is the impending move to Berlin of the two filmmakers Gil Levanon and Kat Rohrer. The former has a grandfather who cannot forgive Germany for what it did to him and his family, whereas the latter is an Austrian whose grandfather was a committed Nazi.

Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Nina Kusturica
Nahoko Fort–Nishigami, Sikavi Agbogbe, Simonida Selimović, Ayo Aloba, Dioma Mar Dramè, Zoran Šargić
Plot Outline

To make phone calls, send money, surf the net – that’s what brings people to this small call shop in Vienna. Homesickness and love, worries and hopes, doubts and uncertainty – all these issues are discussed in the small phone booths, where homeland and belonging stand in total contradiction.
To keep in touch or to say farewell? – In her latest film, Nina Kusturica (Little Alien) tells of living in a foreign land and the yearning to overcome distances.

Film & Discussion
Original German version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Alexander Schiebel
Plot Outline

Mals - A small village in Upper Vinschgau refuses to accept the ongoing expansion of apple monocultures in South Tyrol.

Special Screening on Wednesday, September 12 in the presence of crew member Franz Moritz


Film & Discussion
Original version with English subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Kurt Langbein
Petra Wähning, Werner & Martina Haase, Gi-Man Jeong, Ji-Young Moon, Dong-Joung Yim, Niko Paech
Plot Outline

A cinematic expedition to the pioneers of a new society. Market economy has brought prosperity to developed countries - at the expense of other continents and with growing inequality. But apart from capitalism, is there even a social model worth discussing? „Utopia Revisited“ takes us on a promising journey to solidarity and cooperation.

Special Screening in the presence of director Kurt Langbein on Sunday, May 6 (2018) at 16:00


Film & Discussion
Original English version (no more shows planned at the moment)
Wolfgang Almer
Bill Luckett, Dixie Street, Vencie Varnado
Plot Outline

A 1932-born hard-working poor black man from the Mississippi backwoods becomes an internationally acclaimed Blues star after he releases his debut album at age 81.

Movie & discussion with director Wolfgang Almer on April 6 (2018) at 16:00


Film & Discussion
Original version with German subtitles (no more shows planned at the moment)
Burgl Czeitschner
Plot Outline

A privately funded theatrical release documentary (94') about the restitution of “aryanized” assets in Austria. Written, directed and produced by Burgl Czeitschner, 72, journalist, filmmaker and contemporary historian, based in Vienna.

Special screening on Wednesday, December 5 (2018) at 18:00 in the presence of director Burgl Czeitschner.